Month: January 2016

Happy New Year and Welcome to our new website!

After working a lot in Katanga village, I spent my time with the kids (October 2015).

I am delighted to introduce you to our new website.  This is where we plan to share our projects. We also plan to give updates on Flamme d’Avenir’s activities, including our latest news on our programs, events, etc. We are continuing to update it with useful information about our work, so please do check back with us for updates.

After a couple of years, most of our donors were unable to send their donations through Paypal. We are now more than happy to announce the launch of our new website within a PayPal button and a ‘’Donate Today’’ page, where people can make their online donations.

We hope you like the fresh new look to the website and the improved navigation that will allow you to find the information you need more quickly and easily.

I am writing an article about our ‘’2015 Christmas Project’’ and other projects which have taken place during 2015 and yes, I promise to keep you up to date with all our news.

Lastly, and most importantly, thanks for all your support as always, wishing you a bright, prosperous, and glorious happy new year 2016. I hope together we will do more than what we have just done this year.


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