Summer Camp Project

The Summer Camp Project is a summer school for children and young people between the ages of 4 and 16 years old. For one month, children and young people attend the project 6 days per week, learning new artistic and creative skills, hearing teachings on teamwork and leadership, and having lots of fun together.

This project aims to promote the values of peace, active non-violence and the peaceful co-existence of all peoples through the expressions of children in the arts (Drawing, Painting, Cinema, Theatre, Dance, Poetry, etc…).

Providing educational activities for children and young people during school holidays is not just a nice thing to do. In fact, it is really important to us: this is a time when children may be required to work or spend all day on the streets, where they are at risk from many things. Giving them a place to go, food to eat and activities to get involved with protects them for a little bit longer and equips them for life in new ways.

Please, contact us if you want to know more about how you can help.

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