Being sponsored through International Child Care Ministry (ICCM), Stanislas studied from primary school to high school in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

During his primary and secondary school years, Stanislas noticed that many children from very poor families in his village were not going to school, and those who had the chance to go to school could not finish the school year because their parents were not able to pay their tuition. Seeing the growing number of unschooled children who did not have hope for a better future, Stanislas felt called to empower children and to restore hope and dignity to war-affected women so that they could discover their potential and pursue their dreams for a better future. Therefore, in 2008 Stanislas founded    Flamme d’Avenir to change the lives of disadvantaged communities and to raise future generations of leaders;  it was in 2013 that Flamme d’Avenir was registered as a Congolese Non-Governmental Organization.  Stanislas has decided to pay it forward as he was blessed in life through Sponsorship.

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